Viridian is a very vivid green and quite difficult to use in the context of a non-tropical nature scene. Lets take one of those convenience greens that I mentioned earlier. Red is the complement of green, meaning they are directly opposite each other on the color wheel.Īdding more red will eventually cancel out the green entirely, resulting in a neutral grey. If your convenience green is a too overpowering you can tone it down by adding a little red to it. You can buy pre-mixed greens (known as “Convenience” greens) but they tend to look a bit unnatural unless you tone them down by mixing them with other colors. Using Pre Mixed Greens: Sap Green, Pthalo Green, Viridian etc Confused? hopefully you won’t be but if you are you can just forget all this and just follow the color mixing recipes that I’ll get into later. i.e it has a bit of blue in it) and warm biased cools. Alizarin Crimson is warm color with a cool bias. So, it’s possible to have cool biased warms (E.G. To mix warm greens simply use warm biased yellows and warm biased blues ( Ultramarine, Prussian Blue, New Gamboge) to mix cool greens mix cool biased blues with cool biased yellow (Lemon Yellow, Cerulean Blue) It’s important to be aware that while green is considered to be a cool color it can still have a warm bias i.e green becomes warmer as it leans towards yellow. This is a problem that landscape painters have to deal with constantly. The color green can easily overwhelm a painting. Let’s look at a range of greens and how to mix them. Paynes Gray: Winsor & Newton | Daniel Smith PaperĪrches Watercolor Paper Block, Cold Press, 9″ x 12″, 140 pound Buy from Amazon Lemon Yellow: Winsor & Newton | Daniel SmithĬadmium Yellow: Winsor & Newton | Daniel Smith Ultramarine Blue: Winsor & Newton | Daniel SmithĬerulean Blue: Winsor & Newt on | Daniel Smith This post will tell you everything you need to know about how to to mix your perfect watercolor greens. It’s great to have the option to be able to mix any type of green you want, instead of buying tubes and tubes of pre-mixed greens.

If you like to paint landscapes, the chances are you’ll be using a lot of green. The human eye is particularly sensitive to the color green and most people can tell when a green looks wrong.

Yes that’s true of course but there are a range of yellows and blues. How do you mix green? Everyone knows the obvious answer that blue and yellow makes green.